Mike, Author at MacDonald Post https://macdonaldpost.com/author/mike/ Truth with reverence, reliability, and relevance Sun, 12 Jan 2025 19:54:32 +0000 en-CA hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://i0.wp.com/macdonaldpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/cropped-Favicon2-1.jpg?fit=32%2C32&ssl=1 Mike, Author at MacDonald Post https://macdonaldpost.com/author/mike/ 32 32 139779968 Why I won’t be running in the next election https://macdonaldpost.com/why-i-wont-be-running-in-the-next-election/ https://macdonaldpost.com/why-i-wont-be-running-in-the-next-election/#respond Sun, 12 Jan 2025 11:00:06 +0000 https://macdonaldpost.com/?p=724 The following is the low-down on why I won’t be running in the next election (or any other election for that matter). The politics Christians get into politics when they lose sight of the value of Christ’s church. They get into politics because they want to get someone elected to government. They want to get …

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The following is the low-down on why I won’t be running in the next election (or any other election for that matter).

The politics

Christians get into politics when they lose sight of the value of Christ’s church. They get into politics because they want to get someone elected to government. They want to get into government so they can pass laws for their society. And, they want these laws so that their society will be obedient to a more biblical way of life.

The problem

God has already given our societies laws. They are commonly known as the Ten Commandments! If people will not obey the Ten Commandments, what makes us think they will obey our laws? If the Ten Commandments do not save a soul, what makes us think that heaping more of our own commandments will save a society?

The proof

Don’t believe me, read Revelation 20:

v. 4) And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.

v. 7) And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,

v. 8) And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

For 1,000 years, Christ will rule the entire earth with perfect laws and perfect magistrates to enforce them. At the end of the 1,000 years, most of the people born during His perfect reign and under His perfect laws will rebel against Him by following Satan.

What makes us Christians think that we are better than our Master?

The power

So now you know why I won’t be running in the next election. Government is important. God instituted government in Genesis and as we have just read, will in the future set up His own government upon the earth. But laws do not save, they only control. Much of the time laws only serve to point out our flaws and force us into hiding behind the legalism of lawyers and religions.

Christian, instead of forcing more laws upon people, share your faith and testimony with others. Warn them of the literal eternal Hell for those dying in their own sin. Tell them of the saving grace that is only to be found in Jesus Christ.  Then watch the Holy Spirit transform individuals one-by-one from lost sinners into eternal saints.

No, I won’t be running in the next election. Our time is so limited. Do not waste it on dirty politics and failing results. The church must rise up by falling on its knees before God and begging for the power of witness!

Care to comment on this?

Leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post. I would love to know your thoughts!

Until my next editorial post, keep seeking TRUTH!

Mike MacDonald


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About Mike MacDonald:

As an ordained theologian, Mike has served in many gospel ventures.
He has been a church pastor, chaplain, seminary vice-president,
Christian school principal, and creation evangelist. These roles have
built up an expertise in Mike’s ability to help people discover the true
essence of the Bible and how to make it apply in everyday life.

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War of the Worlds in 2021 https://macdonaldpost.com/war-of-the-worlds-in-2021/ Sat, 29 May 2021 20:10:58 +0000 https://macdonaldpost.com/?p=762 The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. The novel was first published in hardcover way back in 1898. It is one of the earliest stories to detail a conflict between mankind and an extraterrestrial race. The story involves the invasion of England by Martians. The novel is one …

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The War of the Worlds is a science fiction novel by H. G. Wells. The novel was first published in hardcover way back in 1898. It is one of the earliest stories to detail a conflict between mankind and an extraterrestrial race. The story involves the invasion of England by Martians. The novel is one of the most commented-on works in the science fiction canon.

With all the current buzz about various countries landing rovers and drones on the Martian surface, it is hard to believe that this is old hack. Besides Wells’ sci-fi prophecy of Martian attacks nearly 125 years ago, most people don’t realize that Mars was actually “conquered” by humans in the 1970s.

Follow along, and I’ll show you why this matters

On March 3, 1974, the Russians (USSR) crashed landed the first “lander” on Mars. The USA’s NASA had much more success in 1976 when it landed crafts from its Viking 1 and Viking 2 missions.

Primarily due to costs, missions to Mars slowed significantly after the 1970s. However, with a renewed interest in the prospects of water evidence being discovered, the race for the red planet resumed. The following groups have either past, current, or future missions regarding Mars:

  • USA
  • Russia
  • Europe
  • India
  • Japan
  • China

China’s Tianwen-1 mission is significant as it includes a lander, rover, and orbiter. Part of its tasks involves looking at the water content of the soil and to examine Martian climate and environment.

On May 14, 2021, the Tianwen-1 lander successfully landed. On May 22, the Zhurong rover descended from its lander onto the Martian surface to begin its scientific mission.

With the increasing focus on space and especially Mars, there are a few of questions I have:

1. Is Russia planning something devious?

After more than two decades of international cooperation in space research, Russia announced in May 2021 that it would be withdrawing from the International Space Station in 2025 and build and manage its own floating laboratory that will be launched into orbit by 2030.

What is Russia up to? What could be so secret that they don’t want to share anymore? You know that the building of a brand-new laboratory will NOT BE CHEAP! Especially if Russia is paying for the whole thing by themselves. They are therefore up to something and that is NEVER GOOD. So much for international research cooperation! This leads to my second question …

2. Will China surpass the USA?

The US has always competed in space against the Russians (USSR). Normally, Russia does something first but then is out bested by the US. Russia beat the world into space and to Mars, but again, the US was able to be more successful in both endeavours.

Ah, but now there’s China! As Russia pioneers and the US does it better, China has had a history of doing things more efficient and cheaper. I used to get a kick out of buying Canadian souvenirs as gifts only to read the bottom stickers “Made in China”. Will this be the case on Mars as well?

Up until this point the good guys normally won. USA, the supreme capitalists from the west had always given us a sense of comfort in knowing that they ruled the skies (all the way into space). But now things are changing. I guess my worry has to do with American politics more than anything.

The US is divided right down the middle between right and left, red and blue, Republican and Democrat. I have never seen it so divided. There seems to be no room for compromise and cooperation to get important things done. This might spill over into space and Mars exploration.

As the US wars within itself and alternates funding for programs every four years depending upon the person in the White House, China is forging ahead. Yes, I realize they are not the “good guys, but they are under a dictatorship that drives forward in a slow but consistent direction.

In the fable of “the tortoise and the hare,” the hare discounts and ridicules the tortoise for being so slow. This led to the hare’s undoing when he decides to take a nap while the slow-poke tortoise keeps on moving (right past the finish line).

Is the USA like the tortoise? Is it taking China’s slow but powerfully consistent progress for granted? Instead of a nap, is the US perhaps bouncing around all over the place full of energy but with no cohesive direction? I hope I’m wrong, but if this is the case we are in for trouble!

3. Will we see war on Mars, or worse?

Is this not a fair question? I mean, if the USA, Russia, and China are currently at battle-ready stations here on earth, what makes us think that if something valuable is found on Mars, the war will not be carried on there as well?

Of course, the war I am really worried about will never happen on the red planet, but it will on this blue planet we call home. If China or Russia discover something on Mars that is vital for progress here on earth, you know they will attempt to seize it. If China or Russia have advanced research, technology, and weapon systems surrounding our earth, you know that they will eventually attempt to use them.

4. Should anybody care about Mars?

I believe so, yes, and for a couple of very good reasons:

1) Technology

Through research and advancing space technology, we learn things when exploring space. The Apollo program brought us many technologies that are used in each of our everyday lives. Just imagine what a comprehensive Mars program could bring us.

2) Security

Also, we establish national security and international stability when we rule the skies and beyond. I sleep better at night knowing that the good guys have eyes in the sky to counteract the intentions of the bad guys.

So what?

The frightening thing is that what is discovered on Mars might be the spark that causes the fire of war to reign down upon us on earth. I am not afraid of Martians; I am afraid about Earthlings. It will not be a war of the worlds as much as it is a war of the world.

China’s landing on Mars this year has reminded me that while the USA fights vehemently against itself, other countries who are not our friends are consistently moving forward in advanced technologies. It’s time for the sleeping Hare to wake up and run once more against the Tortoise before the race is over.

Are you afraid? Share your comments with me

Leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post. I would love to know your thoughts!

Until my next editorial post, keep seeking TRUTH!

Mike MacDonald


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About Mike MacDonald:

As an ordained theologian, Mike has served in many gospel ventures.
He has been a church pastor, chaplain, seminary vice-president,
Christian school principal, and creation evangelist. These roles have
built up an expertise in Mike’s ability to help people discover the true
essence of the Bible and how to make it apply in everyday life.

The post War of the Worlds in 2021 appeared first on MacDonald Post.

Is Ace Ventura half empty or half full? https://macdonaldpost.com/is-ace-ventura-half-empty-or-half-full/ https://macdonaldpost.com/is-ace-ventura-half-empty-or-half-full/#comments Thu, 06 May 2021 22:34:31 +0000 https://macdonaldpost.com/?p=700 I love animals! No, not in an overboard way as the comical Ace Ventura character, but I must say, life without animals is boring. In my blog post today, I do want to see if Ace Ventura is a half-empty or half-full kind of guy. My daughter bought a parakeet a couple of months ago …

The post Is Ace Ventura half empty or half full? appeared first on MacDonald Post.

I love animals! No, not in an overboard way as the comical Ace Ventura character, but I must say, life without animals is boring. In my blog post today, I do want to see if Ace Ventura is a half-empty or half-full kind of guy.

My daughter bought a parakeet a couple of months ago and did that little bird capture my attention. It was more than just some stick figure sitting on a perch belting out the occasion chirp. No, this was an Ace Ventura moment for me.

Instead, this bird put on a show for all to see. Go-jo, as she is called, exhibited the attributes of a full personality. Similar to my daughter’s dogs, the bird wanted to interact with its owners. And by interact, I mean to communicate and play.

Go-jo, flies casually throughout the house and lands just about anywhere to inspect just about anything. She will hop on your finger, look into your eyes, and issue sounds attempting to get your attention.

Why am I making such a big deal of this?

It is because for well over one hundred years now evolutionary scientists have been seeking to trace our lineage back to a common ancestor that is shared with all other species within the animal kingdom. I think of these scientists as viewing the animal kingdom as half empty.

What propels their notion of a common ancestor is the fact that we have so much in common with many of the critters that walk (or fly) this earth. As I have stated, animals such as Go-jo even have personalities and desire to communicate with us. This makes for a very big case in the evolutionary half-empty worldview.

Another reason perhaps?

But could there be another reason for the similarities between us and the animals? Could there be another reason that animals seek to communicate with us? Ladies and gentlemen, I propose to you a glass-half-full to ponder.

Instead of going down to the lowest common denominator and seeking some primordial RNA virus as our ancestor in common, what if we look upward instead? Could it just be possible that the real reason that humans and animals interact so well is that they have a common Creator?

Could it be possible that the account in Genesis is 100% historically accurate and that God originally created the animals to interact in a positive way with mankind under human leadership? That is exactly what the first couple of chapters of Genesis tell us.

So is Ace Ventura half empty or half full?

Like I said, something to ponder. So, the next time you watch an Ace Ventura movie, OR the next time a bird lands on your finger and strikes up a conversation, consider looking upward to a glass-half-full rather than looking downward to a glass-half-empty. Look at the animal as a created entity that was designed by a common Creator.

Care to comment on this?

Leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post. I would love to know your thoughts!

Until my next editorial post, keep seeking TRUTH!

Mike MacDonald


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About Mike MacDonald:

As an ordained theologian, Mike has served in many gospel ventures.
He has been a church pastor, chaplain, seminary vice-president,
Christian school principal, and creation evangelist. These roles have
built up an expertise in Mike’s ability to help people discover the true
essence of the Bible and how to make it apply in everyday life.

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Herd immunity is the spirit of antichrist! https://macdonaldpost.com/herd-immunity-is-the-spirit-of-antichrist/ https://macdonaldpost.com/herd-immunity-is-the-spirit-of-antichrist/#comments Fri, 30 Apr 2021 11:00:47 +0000 https://macdonaldpost.com/?p=681 Yes, you HERD right, herd immunity is the spirit of antichrist! Let me explain by starting this editorial with a couple of definitions: “antichrist” = that which is opposite to that of Christ (whether an actual person or a mentality). “herd” = a large group of animals of one kind that live together. (e.g., herd …

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Yes, you HERD right, herd immunity is the spirit of antichrist! Let me explain by starting this editorial with a couple of definitions:

antichrist” = that which is opposite to that of Christ (whether an actual person or a mentality).

herd” = a large group of animals of one kind that live together. (e.g., herd of cattle)

So, after examining these two definitions, why did I refer to herd immunity as being the spirit of antichrist? I do so for the following reasons:

1. It reduces people to animals

The very word “herd” is in reference to animals. Of course, this is exactly how Darwinists view humans. According to evolutionary theory, mankind is just a simple mindless extension of the circle of life that has accidentally arisen from the primordial soup of cosmic mud-like substances.

Following this path of thought leads us to think that we have no more rights than alley cats. But listen to God as He speaks through the Psalmist in the Old Testament (Psalms 8):

v. 3) When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;

v. 4) What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

v. 5) For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

v. 6) Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:

v. 7) All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field;

v. 8) The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.

Wait a minute, God also refers to humans as sheep and goats!

Why am I griping about the referencing of humans as animals? God did the same thing in the Bible! He even refers to church elders as shepherds (pastors) over God’s flock. Doesn’t that put God’s speech in the same camp as Darwin’s?

It is true that God sometimes refers to people as sheep or goats. But there is a difference – a big difference! God’s reference to sheep and goats is metaphorical. However, when scientists refer to a large group of people as being apart of a herd (e.g., herd immunity), they are truly treating humans as if they are a collection of animals. This is the worldview of the health science departments in universities around the world.

The danger for the Christian is to get caught up using evolutionists’ words and unknowingly adopting to their mentality.

In the 1980 movie The Elephant Man, there is a line spoken by John Merrick (an intelligent, sensitive man who was born with a hideous disfigurement).

herd immunity

In his anguish of being treated as a freak in a sideshow, Merrick exclaims, “I am not an animal! I am a human being. I am a man.

Such a powerful statement should shock us back to the reality that people are NOT animals. They do NOT congregate as a herd. Herd immunity is the spirit of antichrist.

2. It reduces Jesus Christ to an animal

When Christians get caught up in types of theistic evolution, they forget the ultimate insult it bears upon their God. God’s precious Son, Jesus, was sent to this earth in the form of a man. God the Son took on 100% humanity so that He could offer Himself as a man for the sins of mankind.

Reducing humans to the level of animals is of great insult to the Lord! Listen to God speak through the prophet of Hebrews in the New Testament:

Heb. 2:6          But one in a certain place testified, saying, What is man, that thou art mindful of him? or the son of man, that thou visitest him?

Heb. 2:7          Thou madest him a little lower than the angels; thou crownedst him with glory and honour, and didst set him over the works of thy hands:

Heb. 2:9          But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man.

3. The individual loses his/her value

Adapting a language leads to adapting a mentality leads to adapting a behaviour. Talking about people as being a herd of animals ultimately leads to treating people as being a herd of animals.


This is of the spirit of antichrist as it directly opposes the meaning behind Jesus’ parable of the sheep (Luke 15:4-6):

v. 4) What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?

v. 5) And when he hath found it, he layeth it on his shoulders, rejoicing.

v. 6) And when he cometh home, he calleth together his friends and neighbours, saying unto them, Rejoice with me; for I have found my sheep which was lost.

Luke 15:7        I say unto you, that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth, more than over ninety and nine just persons, which need no repentance.

Once again, this is a parable that metaphorically refers to humans as having some sheep-like qualities (not literally being animals sprouting from the same origin as sheep, as in Darwinism). Herd immunity is the spirit of antichrist.

Christ over communism

In this parable, Jesus did not use a herd immunity mentality but rather the opposite. He employed an individual value mentality. In herd immunity, the individual is expendable for the sake of the larger number. It is survival of the fittest where individuals do not matter, and weak ones are expendable for the good of the herd.

However, in Christ’s flock, every individual is equally precious to each other and to the group. The individual does not exist for the value of the group, rather the group exists for the value of the individual (many churches could learn something from this).

Herd mentality leads to communism. Everything is to be done for the good of the “Party” (herd). But here is the downside to that: When the individual loses their value, they become dissatisfied with their life. As each individual loses their zest for life, the society (herd) weakens. That which was made strong initially through herd immunity has unintentionally reduced its members to mere valueless objects within the commune. In time, the commune (herd) will implode upon itself.

So what?

The notion that you are part of a herd is fed by evolutionism that treats humans as being no different (and no more valuable) than animals. The fact that the individual loses their worth in comparison to the group is fed by godless communism.

When speaking with others I am certainly not angered when they the term “herd immunity”. However, I have begun to correct my own language by referring to it as “GROUP IMMUNITY”. I do not want to reduce humans to the level of animals. For sure, I do not want to reduce my Saviour to the level of an animal. I do not want to devalue an individual no matter how weak they are in comparison to the community.

Enough is enough! You are not an animal! You are not worth less than anyone else or even the group as a whole! No, you are the ONE for whom the Son of God came to find and to save! Remember, language means something. It creates thought and behaviour.

Care to comment on this?

Leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post. I would love to know your thoughts!

Until my next editorial post, keep seeking TRUTH!

Mike MacDonald


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About Mike MacDonald:

As an ordained theologian, Mike has served in many gospel ventures.
He has been a church pastor, chaplain, seminary vice-president,
Christian school principal, and creation evangelist. These roles have
built up an expertise in Mike’s ability to help people discover the true
essence of the Bible and how to make it apply in everyday life.

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Same old, same old? Not exactly! https://macdonaldpost.com/in-the-beginning-well-not-exactly/ Tue, 16 Feb 2021 00:08:20 +0000 https://macdonaldpost.com/?p=585 The old “in the beginning” In John 1:1, Scripture repeats the phrase found in Genesis 1:1, “in the beginning”.  This phrase refers to the beginning of our universe with its dimensions of time and space.  It keeps with the view that God is looking down on His creation as an outsider.  He is distant from us …

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The old “in the beginning”

In John 1:1, Scripture repeats the phrase found in Genesis 1:1, “in the beginning”.  This phrase refers to the beginning of our universe with its dimensions of time and space.  It keeps with the view that God is looking down on His creation as an outsider.  He is distant from us and this is the view that many people hold.  Even most agnostics hold to a view that if God does exist, He is out there somewhere looking on. 

The new “in the beginning”

However, unlike the story in Genesis chapter 1, the gospel of John chapter 1 goes beyond the origins of the universe. It gets downright personal.  John 1:14  provides a most amazing clause, “And the Word was made flesh”.  The apostle John tells us that at one point in history, God the Son lowered Himself to be one of us!  

Verse 14 changes everything.  Man is no longer bound to a vertical relationship with God.  Now that God has become a man in the person of Jesus Christ, our relationship to Him CAN BE horizontal as well.  Christ never ceased being God but has now added on the nature of a perfect man.  Of course, this was God’s plan right from “in the beginning”.  God knew that man would sin against is His law. But, because of His great love for us (John 3:16), God planned upon identifying with us and to be sacrificed upon the cross of Calvary.   

The point of my blog today is this:  the purpose of being a creationist is NOT to win endless debates against evolutionists; rather, it is to establish the connection between John 1:1 and John 1:14.  God created and then God saved.  All people upon this earth have benefited from John 1:1 but not everyone benefits from John 1:14. The latter requires the individual to humble themselves before a holy God and ask for the salvation of Jesus Christ.  Something to seriously consider! 

The post Same old, same old? Not exactly! appeared first on MacDonald Post.
