Is the Covid-19 pandemic changing into being the Covid-19 endemic?
Covid-19 has changed its label before
In late 2019 Covid-19 was an outbreak of a new virus within the coronavirus family. Months later, in early 2020 the Covid-19 virus changed from a local outbreak that was localized in Wuhan, China region to a full-scale pandemic that easily crossed borders and continents.
Surfing the waves to a Covid-19 endemic
As the 4th wave of the virus begins its surge in various regions of the world, is it time to see this virus as changing again from pandemic to endemic?
This would mean that the virus would be unique in its variation to each section of our globe. It also means that we would begin treating it as we do the common cold or the flu. It is here to stay and the best way to “live with it” is by yearly vaccines (like the flu) that will attack the most prevalent strain of the virus.
Making the virus the norm and not masks
Should we only be treating the outbreak areas to keep numbers low to make it easier on the local health care system? By doing such a thing we can continue with our lives and keep our economy functioning.
Because of the seriousness of the disease, this could only be possible if the majority of the population are fully vaccinated. Once the majority of the world’s population is fully immunized, we can move forward without masks and distancing.
Trusting souls in trustworthy leaders
Yes, there will always be people who cannot get vaccinated for health reasons or because it violates their conscience. Such people should not be vilified. Their rights and freedoms must be respected. Rather, it is the task of governments to communicate honestly, openly, and effectively with their citizens. More than masks, vaccines, conspiracy theories, and protests, Covid-19 will only be brought under control by TRUST in the system.
A worthy goal
What I wouldn’t give for a handshake or a hug. Hey, I’d even settle for a fist bump at this point. Rubbing elbows just doesn’t cut it!
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